Mrs. A. Brown's News Blog

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Welcome Fall!

Please make sure that you read the information that was sent home about grades 3-8 students arriving on the second bus run starting Sept. 29. Students should not be at school any earlier than around 8:30, some parents may need to make other arrangments for their child in the mornings. We will now be starting at 9:00.

~A note was sent home last week stating that we need pennies. Any that you have and could donate would be greatly appreciated. We need a lot to do some of the Math activities.

~ We can also use several more of the tall pringle cans, these will be used for crafts.
~ Picture money is due Sept 29. Retakes will be this Monday (the 22nd).

We have been learning the provinces and territories in Canada. This week, your child will have to know where they are located on a map. They can use the map in the back of their agenda to study. They will also have to know the provinces and capitals the following week.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Welcome Back Grade 3/4

It's been a busy first week and every one did great! Hopefully everyone will get rested over the weekend and be back Monday to go back at it! Thank you to parents for filling out all of the forms and volunteering to help with various things, your help is much appreciated!

Things to remember: Agenda money is due this coming week ($7.00) Book Orders are due Sept.10
- Our class has Gym on Monday, Tuesday and Friday, please make sure your child wears appropriate clothes or brings gym clothes to change into.

- Grades 3-5 eat in the cafeteria from 12:00-12:15, they are outside for noon recess from 11:35-12:00.

- Please remember to sign your child's agenda each night, there are usually important reminders written there.
Have a great and restful weekend!